Wednesday, November 16, 2011

space stars photo

Hoax proponents frequently point out that there are no stars in the photographs. Yuri Gagarin (who made one orbit of the Earth in 1961) commented that the stars were astonishingly brilliant (see the external link below). Hoax proponents say that NASA chose not to put the stars into the photos because astronomers would have been able to use them to determine whether the photos were taken from the Earth or the Moon, by means of identifying them and comparing their celestial position and parallax to what would be expected for either observation site.

Stars are cosmic energy

Hoax proponents[who?] claim this looks like a huge spotlight was used at a close distance. In an Apollo 12 voice recording astronaut Pete Conrad said "That Sun's bright, it's like somebody is shining a spotlight on your hands! I tell really is. It's like somebody's got a super-bright spotlight!" Of one photo of Aldrin, Jan Lundberg, engineer at Hasselblad and responsible for producing the photographic cameras used in Apollo EVA missions, stated "Yes, it seems like he is standing in a spotlight and I can't explain that. Umm, that escapes me... why?. So maybe you have to find Armstrong and ask him."

Space Stars wallpaper

When the total number of official photographs taken during EVA of all Apollo missions is divided by the total amount of time of all EVAs, one arrives at 1.19 photos per minute. That is one photo per 50 seconds. Discounting time spent on other activities results in one photo per 15 seconds for Apollo 11. This is even more remarkable considering that many locations in the photographs are situated miles apart and would have taken considerable travel time, especially in bulky pressure suits. On top of this, the cameras were neither equipped with a viewfinder nor with automatic exposure control, which means that taking good pictures would take considerably longer.[citation needed]



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Stars In Space

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